What Do School Counselor's Do?
Professional School Counselors work with students, teachers, parents, faculty, administrators, and community members to reach the entire school population. We use data to provide needed services, collaborate with others, and develop activities that will help students to build a strong foundation.

School Counselors are here to help you with just about anything! If you are having a problem or some tough feelings, your School Counselor can help you figure out what to do. If you’re having a great day or have accomplished something big, your School Counselor is here to celebrate with you! Your School Counselor is always here to love and support you!

ASCA National Model:
School counselors design and deliver comprehensive school counseling programs that promote student achievement. These programs are comprehensive in scope, preventive in design and developmental in nature. “The ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs” outlines the components of a comprehensive school counseling program. The ASCA National Model brings school counselors together with one vision and one voice, which creates unity and focus toward improving student achievement.

What is discussed with your school counselors is not repeated unless we feel that you will hurt yourself, others, or are in harms way. We want you to feel comfortable to be open and honest!
We also encourage you to come to us if you feel someone else is going to hurt themselves or others. In this case, your name or identity will not be revealed. We are all friends and want the best for one another!

Our Comprehensive School Counseling Program Welcomes All: